“On the farm, WES realized there are strong connections in the work they’re called to do,” said Rev. Alicia Forde, director of formation at Texas Methodist Foundation. “That includes storytelling as a spiritual practice, envisioning the church as a healing hub, and focusing on justice to cultivate thriving communities.”
Envisioning the Church
as a Healing Hub
Women with Entrepreneurial Spirit (WES) is a multiracial, multigenerational leadership cohort committed to Spirit-led work through art ministries, economic justice, church revitalization, and innovation, creating a world where all can thrive.
This Spirit-led group met in 2024 at FAM Houston’s Shamba Ya Amani/Farm of Peace. FAM Houston works for justice by building an empowered community among refugees, immigrants, and local Houstonians.
“On the farm, WES realized there are strong connections in the work they’re called to do,” said Rev. Alicia Forde, director of formation at Texas Methodist Foundation. “That includes storytelling as a spiritual practice, envisioning the church as a healing hub, and focusing on justice to cultivate thriving communities.”
Their experience together surfaced meaningful connections and conversations about the power of mutuality and attending – with care – to vulnerabilities.
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